
Social Media: Annual report

Latin Stories is an organization that provides support to the Latin American community in Australia through different activities and events.

The 2020 was a very atypical year for everyone and that is why the role of Latin Stories was of great importance.


  • Communicate in a positive and joyful way all the achievements that the organization had to its vast community.


  • Create 10 highlights (or images) in one Instagram/FB post.

  • As for colours, they asked me to use the combination of the logo faces, as they represent the Latin American migrants and their stories/individual experiences.



Colours inspired by the logo.

Colours inspired by the logo.

Illustrations to match the data.

Illustrations to match the data.

Joyful/Magical universe.

Joyful/Magical universe.


Posts Gallery


Todo comienza con una idea. Tal vez quieras comenzar un negocio o convertir un pasatiempo en algo más. O bien, es posible que tengas un proyecto creativo para compartir con el mundo. Sea lo que sea, la manera en la que cuentes tu historia en línea puede marcar la diferencia.


Sea lo que sea, la manera en la que cuentes tu historia en línea puede marcar la diferencia.